6 Months

Baby Bear turned 6 months old May 18th so this Momma is a wee bit behind :/. The pictures were taken last week and I'm finally getting around to posting an update!
Getting this sweet rascal to smile for a picture was difficult this particular day...

Height: 28 inches, 94th percentile  
Weight: 19 lb. 13 oz., 87th percentile 
Head Circumference: 18 inches, 94th percentile
(all at 6 month check-up)

Things to Remember:
-You had your first swim in the pool with Grandma Candy and Papaw Steve and you were a little fish! It took you a few minutes to get used to the cold water but you quickly started splashing with your little paws and trying to drink the chlorinated water.
-Hands down the BIGGEST achievement of yours this past month and a half has been CRAWLING! You crawled right at 6 1/2 months (last week) and we were so, so proud. Daddy was at work but luckily Momma caught it on camera. You've been a mover and shaker ever since!
-Two days after you started the Bear crawl, you began sitting from crawling/laying down. Now that's your biggest trick; we can tell you are very proud of yourself when you do it. It's amazing how quickly you get from being on your tummy to sitting on your chubby bum!
-You now eat puffs (pick them up and feed yourself), oatmeal, and some fruits. The doctor told us only to feed you solids once a day, so that's what we're sticking with. Every evening you get some oatmeal, mixed with breastmilk, and we add several tablespoons of baby food. Your favorites are pears with cinnamon and sweet potatoes.
-Another huge accompliment this month was getting your first tooth (on bottom right)! It was just a few days after you turned six months old. We were eating at the Cheesecake Factory with Grandma Candy and Papaw Steve when Daddy reached in your mouth and felt the little shark tooth...it's sharp! Luckily you haven't seemed to even notice it; hopefully they will all come in so painlessly. Fingers crossed!
-You are talking much more these days, too. Your first official word was "mama" and two weeks later "dada" joined your vocabulary.
-You are still in size 3 diapers and go through LOTS of them.
-Aside from the foods listed above, you also enjoy eating remote controls and cell phones.
-Daddy got you a backyard swing that you LOVE. It hangs from a big shady tree and you could swing in it all day long.
-The best way to get you giggling is to make dog barking noises. Cracks you up every time.
-Your favorite books are by Dr. Seuss, especially Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You?. We read it over and over again daily.
-Daddy gave you your very first taste of pickle a couple weeks ago and there's been no turning back. You are a little pickle monster! You also are a ninja when it comes to Mommy's fudge pops. One lick and you're begging for more.

This has been such an eventful month and a half for you, Sugar Bear! We are thrilled to witness each of your "firsts" and are blessed & grateful that you're such a happy, healthy baby boy. Every day with you is an adventure and an answered prayer. We love you, Bear Clayton.