
I've been pretty terrible about keeping the blog up to date with pictures lately. I'll blame it on our busy schedule, a busy little crawling Bear, and all the fun we've been having :). Excuse enough, right? Hope you'll forgive me. (follow me on instagram @brittfullwood for more current happenings!)

A few snapsnots from the last three weeks...
Bear and Willow, Zach's Mom's pet deer, in our backyard (RIP Willow)
evening strolls around the neighborhood are our favorite
chubby thighs turn leg warmers into calf warmers...
brownie sunday heaven

bookworm baby

4th of July wreath that sold to the sweetest lady...her husband was deployed to Afghanistan & she's going to put his pin on the wreath. Makes me want to make more patriotic things!
year-round Christmas music ...Bear will love Christmas
absolute best Starbucks frap yet, mocha cookie crumble
Bear rarely naps, so I was shocked when I turned for 30 seconds and looked back to find him passed out in his door-bouncer. Poor sleepy baby!

We didn't get around to baby-proofing this weekend, but Zach did get around to making this gorgeous pine bowl. You should've seen the huge chunk of log he started with...truly a miraculous transformation! Will be up in the shop, hopefully with some other "logs", soon.

 Hope your weekend was amazing! Yay for June and sunshiney weather!