Playroom Wish List

Bear's playroom is slowly, but surely, coming along. My goal is to have it finished by the end of September so October & November can be focused entirely on birthday planning. That is such a bittersweet thought! Can't believe our Little Man will be one in November (insert sniffles here).
I still debate constantly on a color scheme, mainly since the playroom also doubles as a workspace for me. My desk, which is in the corner, is black and I reeeeally don't want to paint it. So while I dream of a nautical navy, red, and white color pattern, the lazy devil on my shoulder refuses to paint the black desk and argues that it won't match "nautical". So, we shall see. For now, here are some goodies we will likely be purchasing in the next few weeks :)...forget that silly devil.

Zach has this crazy thought that we will attempt to make the teepee I'll let you all know how that turns out. He also thinks $150 is a little steep for a rocking bear, but they could ask $1,000 and I'd still give in. Pretty sure Bear has to have it.

How do you feel about this color scheme with a black desk in the corner? Too clashy clashy? Or could it work? I trust you girls to give me some guidance! :)

Happy Hump Day!