Why Blogging's on the Back Burner

I'm not sure why I feel the need to vent on this topic, but I do know that it's something I need get off my chest a little bit. I have been feeling guilty about not blogging as much lately and I want to level with myself on the fact that blogging isn't everything.
For the past two years, this little blog has been a large part of my life. I would say "our lives", but truth be told Zach could really care less about it. I have loved, loved, sharing our projects, recipes, and weekend adventures in a "virtual scrapbook" format; it's been an outlet that has inspired me beyond measure and helped document our lives. For that, I am so very grateful to the blogging world. Plus, it has allowed me to grow friendships with all of YOU! And all of you happen to be awesome. Each one of you has helped me in some way, either through a recipe you shared that ended up being a hit at our Christmas party...or an outfit that I just had to go out and get (Zach doesn't thank you for that one ;) )...or an organizational tactic that's made our pantry a much happier place. Thank you, each of you, for being one of the main reasons I visit this little "world" everyday.
Now, on to the reason why I've been slacking. It's simple, really. Life
I have a baby. And a husband. And a business. And a television that constantly records The Real Housewives of Everywhere. Things gotta get done, and watched, y'all (who am I kidding? the only time I stop to watch TV is while Bear's nursing, and he's not a big fan of the crazy New Jersey housewives...).

It hit me really hard one day when I put Bear down in the living room and went to put away some laundry. When I came back, I couldn't find him anywhere. Finally I walked in the office and there he was, sitting behind the desk with a quizzical look as if trying to say, "But Mommy, where were you? You're always right here". He had crawled clear across the house to find me; he knew where I'd be.

I don't want Bear to remember me as the mom that sat on the computer blogging and posting things on Etsy all day. I want him to remember me as the mom that played and laughed and read and sang. I am that Mom. I'm happy to be that Mom. So what if I only post once a week? That must mean we're doing lots of fun things and that's exactly how it should be. Now, Bear's napping and I'm putting dirty dishes on hold to type this. It feels pretty good, but I know that when he wakes up I'll walk away and likely not finish this post until tomorrow (or the dishes, either). And that's okay. That's life.

Zach will come home this evening and we'll have a gourmet dinner of sandwiches, chips, and Gatorade. Then we'll talk about our days and play with Bear on the living room rug while watching Wheel of Fortune. 
The old Brittany would've been planning her next blog post in the back of her mind, but those days are long gone. I'll post when I'm inspired, when I get a moment to relax and unwind. In the meantime, I'll keep enjoying my boys and soaking up each and every moment of this sweet life. Because, despite the hustle and bustle, it really couldn't be any sweeter.