Ducky Bear

I have the urge to post something tonight but it's 10:03pm and this Momma's tired. Too tired to upload any pictures. These words are a little fuzzy on the screen as I squint, trying to keep my droopy eyes open. Know the feeling? I'm sure most of you do.
I'm mustering up the strength to upload a photo....better be a good one, right? :)

Rubber Ducky Bear
This baby is becoming a bigger fan of bath time every day. He's always liked the water, but these days he actually splashes and enjoys playing with (and eating) all of his duckies. Zach and I love sitting beside the tub, laughing and splashing right along with him. He gives the biggest belly laugh when we squeeze water out of his ducks; oh Baby, you already get that it's the simple things in life. Bath time happens to be one of those simple, wonderful things.
Our "staycation" has been great so far, but we haven't gotten much done in the way of our to-do list. We have, however, enjoyed playing with Bear and taking turns napping in the afternoon. We could get used to this whole staycation thing.
You may have heard on the news that a tragic stabbing took place at Spring High School today. The school happens to be 1/2 mile from our house; we drive by it daily. There's also an elementary school just down the street; Zach and I kept talking today about how fearful those parents must have been, too. Such a sad day. Praying for our neighbors and all affected by today's tragedy.
Hug your loved ones a little tighter tonight. Bear's fighting bedtime, so I'll squeeze one or two more hugs in, too.