Labor Day Weekend and the Busiest (but best) Saturday Ever

Bear's first Labor Day weekend was definitely one for the books. He went to his very first Texas A&M football game and soaked up lots of Daddy-time. It was pretty perfect.

And.....I went to a Backstreet Boys concert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't even talk about it. Still an emotional wreck.
starting the weekend off right with Friday lunch at Smashburger with friends
...and sleeping off the sweet potato fries
College Station bound!

Heisman & Zoolander poses with Daddy by the giant Aggie ring
the whole Fullwood crew

Touchdoooooown Aggies!
Somebody cheered a little too hard and crashed in Daddy's lap all through the third and fourth quarters.
We left right after the game and high-tailed it back to Houston for the concert. Zach watched Bear while I went and met three friends. Luckily Bear went to sleep early and did great for Zach because the concert was four hours long! Four hours of complete awesomeness. Y'all, they were AMAZING.
pictures borrowed from my friend, Leah :)
The girls made the coolest light-up sign but didn't get to bring it in the concert :(. Totally unfair! We carried it around afterwards and everyone loved it. This picture doesn't do it justice; it reads "I (heart) BSB".
Sunday afternoon, Bear and I met the girls at Wunsche Bros in Old Town Spring for a quick lunch before they headed back. Bear loved meeting the pretty ladies and eating lots of Wunsche's famous beer bread.

Monday, we chilled. We were exhausted. Happy, fulfilled, glad to be free of "labor"...but exhausted. We got some much needed rest and couldn't stop talking about how much hair this baby boy's getting.

It's getting harder and harder to put him down at night. I just wanna hold him forever, as I know these days are fleeting.

Zach is off the rest of the week and we're enjoying a highly anticipated "staycation" for a few days before heading to Galveston for the weekend. It'll be Bear's first time at the beach and we're excited to see how he responds to having his chubby toes in the sand :).

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend!!