Our Week in Pictures

I say this constantly, but time seriously does seem to fly by even faster with a baby. It's heartbreaking! Every time I upload pictures I sit here thinking, "what has happened to my squishy little baby"? He's still squishy, but he's not so little anymore :'(. K, moving on before tears are shed and things get emotionally outta control.
This week's been a fun one! Lots of playdates and fun with friends.
Bear & Leo played hard at My Gym

Look out Tiger, here comes Bear!

We were at the post office 4 out of 5 days this week. Logs 'n Lace has been busy and we're loving it! A big thank you to those that have been such sweet supporters!

My friend, April, introduced me to this and I can't get enough. Zero calories and really yummy!

One of the benefits of having a woodworking husband- really awesome cake stands for Bear's first birthday!

Jorts are only socially acceptable for a few more years. Bear's taking advantage.
This hangs in our stairway and I never tire of reading it. Dr. Seuss knew his stuff.
It's a good thing Zach never looks at this blog because he would KILL me. I needed a headband model yesterday and this little boy wasn't having much of it. Luckily I have a beautiful baby girl lined up to give Bear a (permanent) break. Aside from the good laugh you're getting....did you notice that he's independently standing?! Big baby! 

Four new baby hats were purchased this week. Obsessed much? How could we not be? Thanks, Janie & Jack!

Here, Teddy, let me help you stretch. (absolute favorite jammies! post on these and other fall favorites coming soon)

Hope your weekend is amazing!!
p.s. Sunday is the first official day of FALL! Totally getting a pumpkin spice latte. And possibly lighting a candy corn scented candle....in the 95 degree Houston weather. We like to pretend around here.
Happy almost Autumn!
alec vanderboomBear, baby6 Comments