Plant Love

This post is totally random and you'll probably wonder why in the world I chose to post on this topic. You see, over the last year I've had this sudden obsession with plants. Not real ones, mind you. Fake, please-don't-make-me-water-you, plants. Mostly from IKEA. Because IKEA is the best place ever.
There's just something about a little green plant that makes a room feel warmer. Homier (is this a word?). More inviting.
Silk hydrangeas in a Logs 'n Lace vase...painting also by Zach. One of my favorites!
berries in the living room
Originally I thought plants in a nursery would feel stuffy, but they don't at all. They give it a warm, calming vibe. Please excuse the chubby into-everything baby.
favorite spot to sit and read a good book
Please excuse the poor quality iPhone photos!

We have lots more scattered around the house...succulents in window sills, pink roses on guest bedroom nightstands, and pretty white unidentified blooms in the sitting room (all of which are silk). Most of what you see above is either from Target or IKEA; no need to spend a lot to make a big impact!
Do you love plants? Are you a greenery hoarder like myself? Do tell!
Happy Hump Day! (can't say that without thinking of the commercial now)
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