A Visit from the Grandparents

My parents came to visit last week during their spring break and we had so much fun. We love when they come stay! Bear enjoys it most of all because he is spoiled when Pops and Grandma Candy are around. He's one lucky little boy to have such loving and sweet grandparents.

Spring Creek BBQ...this boy was a mac 'n cheese eating machine

Lunch at...you guessed it....Red Lobster. 

Ready to go...trusty toothbrush and elephant in tow.

Houston Zoo!

Red pandas are the cutest animals on the planet. 

Naturally we had to see the bears! I think this confused our Bear a little bit.

The chimpanzees are always my favorite. We laughed because this one is a "Brittany chimp"...I love spending my afternoons in a hammock, too!

I spent Friday afternoon dress shopping with this gorgeous bride-to-be while my parents watched Bear. It was so nice having babysitters! And Elissa said "yes" to the dress :).

Hope you had a great weekend!