
We've been pretty busy the last few weeks (as apparent by my lack of blogging) and Bear is growing like a chubby weed. It seems he says a new word (or animal noise) every day! We are loving watching him grow.

Our last couple weeks in pictures...

having fun at a playdate

planning our next vacation

getting his first hair cut...such a big boy!

Not real sure how I feel about these curls being gone :(.

Feeding the bears ducks.

This boy still sleeps best in his car seat. Even though it's beginning to look a bit small...

15 month check-up was a success! 96% in height, 87% in weight, 97% in head circumference. :)

playroom reading

car sleepin'

Freddy's eatin'

aaaand Smashburger eatin'

Fun at Davis' 2nd birthday party!

Where's Bear? Peek-a-boo!

Mommy's little mess-maker. (notice the TP...)

best buddies

Swinging is Bear's new favorite. He can't get enough of it.

Deciding what to order at Freddy's. Mommy and Daddy's new favorite.

Once again, Bear eating the duck's bread. This is a real problem. Every time we toss food to the ducks, Bear has to get his fill as well. We get a good laugh!

Hope you had a great week!