Hawaii Part 5: Pearl Harbor & Hanauma Bay

 By far the most meaningful and important thing we saw while in Hawaii was Pearl Harbor. There are really no words to explain the feeling you get while standing in the memorial, atop the USS Arizona. Knowing that there are hundreds of men buried below you, their lives taken while bravely serving our nation, is an unforgettable moment. It's something I hope all Americans can experience once in their lifetime.

After leaving Pearl Harbor, we went to visit my brother at Hickam Field. Such a beautiful base!

Another spot we really enjoyed on the island was Hanauma Bay. It is absolutely, straight-out-of-a-movie gorgeous. Little mongooses running wild, giant palm trees, and a coral reef that makes for fantastic snorkeling. It was actually my first time! I loved it but got a little freaked out at times when I felt "stuck" and wasn't sure where to turn. Luckily Zach and my brother, Shane, were right by my side. Best quote of Hanauma Bay came from Shane (in a very excited voice): "Come look down here, Britt. It looks like something straight out of The Little Mermaid!" It totally did. :) I'm proud he remembers the movie I made him watch 87 times.

Thank you for sticking with all of these Hawaii recaps. I'm limiting myself to only two more. It's just so hard to narrow down pictures from a great trip!

Hope you had an awesome weekend! Can't wait to catch up on your blogs.