Hawaii Part 4: Waikiki

Trying to pick a favorite beach on Oahu is like trying to pick a favorite candy bar. They're all just really, really amazing. 

Waikiki is a perfect people-watching spot and a great beach for our busy Bear. The view of Diamond Head alongside downtown Honolulu is such a gorgeous view. Add white sandy beach, beautiful turquoise water, "just right" weather, and it really is paradise.

Behind Bear is The Royal Hawaiian, a main island landmark. Movie stars and big-swigs have been known to stay here.

If you're ever at Waikiki, you've gotta eat at Duke's on Sunday. You won't regret it.

Diet Coke ad?

We are missing Hawaii big-time. Looking back at these pictures makes me long for carefree days on the beach, with our biggest worry being that Bear's eating fistfuls of sand.

But we can't complain too much...the weather is perfect in Houston today. Bear got his first haircut this afternoon, which will require a post of it's own. Luckily he did great; Mommy's the only one that shed any tears :'(.

Hope you're having an amazing weekend!