Birthday Gift Guide for the Husband

I really wanted to title this post "Birthday Gift Guide for the Picky Husband" but decided that sounded a little harsh. Zach is very picky, but hey...that should make me feel good that he chose me. Right? Just gonna keep telling myself that. :)
Thankfully my sweet, picky husband doesn't read our blog so it's safe to share all my gift ideas for his birthday in a few weeks! For as long as I can remember, I've struggled with gift buying for the men in my life. I never, ever know what to get my brothers. My Dad gets a book every Christmas and birthday. And Zach usually says "Oh. Cool." when he opens his gifts from me. I'm making it my goal for 2014 (and every year after!) to up my game in the men-gifting department.

What I have picked up on after all these years is that guys like to feel special. Just like us ladies! The more personalized a gift is, the better. Which really puts a damper on my Target-the-night-before-someone's-birthday runs.

I've compiled a list that I hope you'll find useful the next time you need to buy for a special guy.
First up, the card.
When I discovered treat. greeting cards, my life was changed forever. I will never buy a lame grocery store card ever again. Why would I when I can create something personalized, one-of-a-kind, and truly special in a matter of minutes? And amazingly, I paid less for Zach's card than I have for most store-bought ones. Treat. gives the option of simply printing from your home computer, but I chose just to have Zach's card shipped. Three days later, it was in my mailbox.
The quality of the card can really only be explained when you hold it in your own hands. Unlike a normal flimsy card, this one will not be ripped up by chubby Bear paws. :)

 Now for the gifts.
When I saw this hammer on Etsy, I knew Zach had to have it. He's such a handy man and this will certainly come in handy around the house. They even have father & son personalized hammers for when Bear gets a little bigger. Be still my boy-bonding loving heart.
 Zach is obsessed with building things. He was a lego fanatic when he was young, so I know he'll love this premium kit from littleBits. It's a collection of 14 color-coded Bits modules that snap together with magnets to make over 600,000 possible circuit combinations. Sounds like fun, right?
We're obsessed with the song Happy by Pharrell Williams. Yes, it's overplayed on the radio, but that doesn't stop it from being the ultimate feel good song. I'm so excited to add the vinyl to our record collection! When Zach gets home from work everyday, the first thing he does is turn on the record player and dance with Bear. It's such a sweet moment. This is also a great party tune for when we have guests over. This is seeming a bit like a gift for myself, too... ;)
 I've never been great at picking out men's watches, but this one is perfect. Made from all natural black wood, it's "manly man" enough while still being fashion forward.
 And because Momma told me the way to a man's heart is always through his stomach...
Zach's favorite candy. This will likely be his favorite gift (mine too).
Bear's card will be handmade (scribbles on construction paper) and we'll wrap everything in plain brown paper so he can "decorate" the gifts, too. He's big into stickers these days, which makes for lots of Goof Off for this Momma. :)
We're so excited for Easter weekend and all the family festivities! Hope yours is a special one!