Easter Recap

Hi, friends! I hope you had a wonderful Easter!

Please prepare yourself for a very long-winded post. We spent time with tons of family, friends, and Bear was a huge fan of hunting eggs (aka eating chocolate). All in all a successful Easter!

road-trip to West Texas in matchy matchy shirts from Maisonwares on Etsy

Saturday was spent with the Fullwoods. Bear has lots of cousins on that side and they had so much fun playing and hunting eggs! Bear also fell and got a big boo-boo on his forehead, but still managed to have a good time.
This picture cracks me up. Sucker all down the shirt, dirt all over the face, ant bites on the arms, knot on the forehead...and still going strong. Ahhh, little boys.
Saturday night all the Fullwood siblings went to The Lumberyard to see Stoney LaRue. He was awesome!
Easter Sunday
Our sweet Mamaw had surgery so Bear went to visit.

Bear and his cousin, Braylie
Nana and Papaw Joe

And a few more random shots from the trip for your viewing pleasure :).

First golf cart ride! (he loved it)
My parents are just a little bit crazy about Bear. Enough so that they're building him his own "theme park" in their backyard. :)

We're back home and enjoying some major R&R. On this weekend's agenda? Rest. Sleep. Eat. Rest.

Is it Friday yet?