This Week

Happy Friday, friends!
In pretty much every blog post, I mention how busy we are. Well, not this time! For once we've had a pretty low key week, mostly because Bear and I are both battling nasty colds. Bear did get antibiotic at the doctor today so hopefully he'll be over this in the next couple of days. Fingers crossed, he's been such a little trooper.
I've been bitten by the craft bug as of late; all I seem to want to do is run to Michael's and make something I've spotted on Pinterest the night before. Anyone else having this problem? :)

This is a picture heavy post so I'll hop to it. Hope you've all had a wonderful week!
It all started with "just another mani Monday". Chose the deep purple, in case you were wondering. ;)
Macy's has been having some killer sales that I can't seem to stay away from. Neither can Olaf and Sven (both of them).
When in question on Starbuck's treats, just get two. Have you tried the salted caramel cake pop? It's heavenly.
This little man had a run in with an open drawer one evening, but luckily he's just fine and it's the scratches are almost completely healed.
Because this seems like a great way to watch TV.
Bear and I are excited for our Valentine's Day party next month! So excited that we already whipped up some (very) homemade Valentine's for Bear's friends.
This Charming Charlie trip lasted all of 5 minutes before Bear had his first ever major meltdown over a pink owl-shaped lip balm. That
Thursday was rainy & gloomy, so we spent the day inside battling our colds and watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

When you fight your nap all day, you fall asleep at 6pm in Daddy's chair.
Bear and I honestly never have days that we don't leave the house. It's really, really rare for us. So we pulled out all the play-time stops yesterday, including being "tuh-tulls". We rocked our shells alllllll afternoon.

Because Mommy's friends deserve Valentine's, too! Found these yummy candles at Michael's on sale for 60 cents apiece, so I couldn't resist. Told you I've been craft crazy.

Today's #ootd. Obsessed with black and white these days.
Can't even begin to explain how amazing this ice cream is. Truly beyond words. Run, don't walk, to the nearest grocery store.

Bear did so well at his 2 year check-up today; happy to report we have a healthy (big, 35 lb.) boy!