
Last weekend was one of those that isn't too terribly busy but still seems to fly by. Zach has been working pretty long hours during the week so we really treasure our weekends and time with the three of us.
My little brother is coming to visit this weekend so we are already making plans and getting excited :). Tomorrow's already hump day!
It all started with a little Friday night run to Walgreens for "medicine".
Valentine's candy is the best though, right? Totally warranted.
Saturday morning we got up and headed out to get the boys haircuts. Bear & I are big fans of slip-on sneakers. And Skittles.
After a nap (for only Bear, sadly), we headed to Braxton's birthday party at My Gym. Bear had a blast!
Sunday morning we tried a new brunch spot, Forest Café & Bakery. It was pretty yummy. We didn't love love it, but we'll definitely go back.
Then we did a little shopping, of course. Because weekends were made for such.

Saturday evening we watched the Miss Universe pageant and made chocolate chip cookies...because those clearly go together, right? Nothing like seeing beauty queens in bikinis while you're stuffing your face with chocolatey goodness.

Hope you had a fabulous weekend, and are now in the middle of a great week! :)