light layers

I haven't always been one for layering. When you grow up in West Texas, it's typically either crazy hot or freezing cold. And the wind is always blowing. But since moving to Houston, the winters are much more mild and the temperature warms up greatly as the day goes on this time of year. I find myself needing a sweater or light jacket in the morning, then losing the jacket and rolling up my sleeves in the afternoon. They say Texas weather is bipolar, and it's pretty much the truth.

I also love booties because it doesn't feel cool enough yet to be wearing riding boots, but booties still give a fall-ish look without burning up the calves. And my calves are finicky, I'm telling you.

We have the cutest four kittens right now and Bear is absolutely obsessed with them. He named them PooPoo, PeePee, George, and Darth Vader. George is also occasionally referred to as Luke Skywalker, depending on Bear's mood. He's really sweet with the kitties, but they're still scared to death of him. We're still working on the whole "gentle" thing. I'll try and remember to post some pictures soon! Hope you've had a great weekend!

xo, Britt