my favorite jacket

I raved about this jacket in the last post and I'm here to rave about it again. It's just so comfy (faux fur lined), matches everything, and is perfect for this time of year. Can you tell I have a slight crush? I mean I really love Zach but...this jacket sure knows how to snuggle.

Happy Halloween Eve!!!! Can you believe it's almost here? There's a 90% chance of rain in Houston tomorrow so we're hoping it clears up in time for trick or treating. Hopefully Bear will really get into it this year; he's all about candy (like his Momma), so he should be a big fan of the holiday. The dressing up part, he could live without. We're surprising Bear and ordered him a Darth Vader costume that's supposed to come in this afternoon; Zach couldn't resist. This means I get to be Princess Leia, right? Zach already called dibs on Chewbacca.

Wishing you a happy and safe Halloween weekend!
xo, Britt