best fall bags

I am totally crushing on every single one of these handbags and may or may not have just ordered the two middle ones :). You've probably noticed by now that I usually don't spend a ton on the bags I carry. I'd rather have a variety to go with different outfits than one or two designer bags, but some people feel the opposite and that's great too! Few handbags transition from season to season, and fall is a great time to invest in several new purses because the colors and designs are beautiful. From camel to burgundy, fringe to sleek leather, there are tons of options to fit any budget.

Bear is coughing like crazy, Zach has been battling a cold & ear infection for two weeks, and I'm on the tail end of a pesky cold...anyone else have a sick house currently? If you know of any miracle workers for a toddler cough, I'd love to hear them!

xo, Britt