pattern mixing

*don't mind my crazy hair, it was windy in West Texas!
I used to be really afraid of mixing prints; everything had to be matchy-matchy or a bold pattern could only be paired with a solid color (or so I thought). For the last year or so, I've enjoyed mixing prints like the leopard and buffalo plaid pictured. It's unexpected and fun, but the key is to stick with two patterns only. Never mix three or more! Like if I had on zebra print boots with this outfit? Negative ghost rider. 

I have been a Christmas shopping machine the past two days; it's like December hit and I'm obnoxiously holly and jolly. I was the lady opening doors for everyone today, saying "Happy holidays! God bless you!" like a lunatic. Maybe I should ring the bell for the Salvation Army? Pretty sure Houston has the best weather for those Santas. Nothing like standing outside Marshall's in a Santa suit in the 75 degree weather. 

We have some fun plans for the next few days and I'm so excited! Hope you're having a great week!
xo, Britt