If there are lots of typos in this post, let me apologize in advance. My husband is currently watching the A&M bowl game and there's some major yelling going on over here. Aggies better pick it up or this could be a loooooong night.

I want to take a second to say thank you for all of the sweet emails that I've received over the past few months; they mean so much to me and I absolutely love hearing from you. I try to respond to every one, but if you haven't received anything back I'm so sorry! Things were a little crazy over Christmas and I promise I'll catch up on emails soon. There are also some questions that are asked more than others, so I thought I'd answer a few on the blog, too. And if there's anything else you're curious about, feel free to leave a comment or email me at thehellohoneyblog@gmail.com.

Is Bear your only child? 
Yes he is! We'd love to give him a sibling one day but for now, we couldn't be happier with our little family of three.

Do you curl your hair every day? Do you ever straighten it?
I don't straighten my hair very often because it's naturally wavy and very thick, so it's difficult to straighten. It's also really humid in Houston which makes my hair frizz up if it's straight. I curl my hair probably 5 out of 7 days, the other two days it's in a braid or top knot. I curl it one of two ways, either with a one inch curling iron or with my Savvy Curls band.

What is your favorite place to shop?
Oh man, I never know how to answer this. I can't name just one, but some of my very favorites are: Nordstrom, J.Crew, H&M, Urban Outfitters, Zara & Francesca's. 

Do you do most of your shopping online or in-store? Which do you think is better?
This is totally a personal preference; I know people that only shop online, and others that have to see and touch items in person before purchasing. I'm a mix of both; I definitely shop online more now than I used to. Zach & I place an order on Amazon at least once a week, and I usually sneak in something fashion-related (clothes, shoes, belts, etc). I tend to find the best sales in-store and I love to frequent places like TJ Maxx and Home Goods. Online shopping is so convenient though, especially from stores like Nordstrom that offer free shipping on everything. I'd say I'm 70% in-store, 30% online.

What's the hardest thing about starting a blog? Do you have any advice for someone wanting to start one?
The hardest thing about starting a blog, for me, was the technical side. My friend Sarah of Gracefully Made Designs did my blog design, thank goodness because I wouldn't have known where to start. Figuring out how to work Squarespace, navigate rewardStyle, and SEO have been my biggest challenges. I love learning new things though, so it's been a fun process. As far as advice, I think consistency and staying true to yourself are key. I've found that my most successful posts are ones when I really stepped outside the box and tried to come up with something unique to share. It's easy to get caught up in copying mainstream bloggers, but don't lose sight of yourself and your personal style in the process. Also, posting the same number of times per week and at the same time each day has increased my readership. It could just be coincidence, but I think readers like knowing when they can expect to find a new post on your blog.

Thank you for sticking with this long winded post! And for those of you concerned about my eardrums, the Aggies have picked it up a little. It's a Christmas miracle.
xo, Britt