new year, new thoughts

As I sit here reflecting on the past twelve months, it's difficult not to feel a little sad. It was a wonderful year, full of adventure and new experiences, and I'm a bit emotional that it's coming to a close. Bear turned three, I went to New York Fashion Week, Zach moved offices, and lots in between. I'm going to stop wallowing in my pity though, because that never seems to do much good. Instead, I'm making the promise to myself to look forward rather than back, to anticipate the times to come. That doesn't mean I won't cherish and hold dear all the memories our family made in 2015, but I'm choosing to believe that this year will be even better than the last. 2016, you have some big shoes to fill!

A few of my goals for the new year:
-put my dang phone down. Even if I'm just watching TV after Zach and Bear go to bed, I want to give one person or thing my entire attention.
-read more books (magazines not included). Just finished The Girl on the Train if you're looking for an excellent read!
-try a new recipe once a week. This is a big one for me, because I'm totally a creature of habit. I could stay on the same 7 day meal rotation week after week and never get tired of it. But as a mother, I want to give Bear a more well-rounded palette.
-donate my time. I'm all about charities and donating money and items, but I haven't been the best about donating my time to causes that could really benefit from it. This year, I hope to be a little less selfish with my time and give back in the most meaningful way.
-work out often, or even at all. just kidding. that's funny though.
-give creatively. Not only is this budget friendly, but it's almost always more special to the recipient. I've found that people enjoy a homemade card from Bear over a store-bought one, and taking time on the details is worth a great deal in itself.
-not be so hard on myself. It's true that we can often be our own worst critic, and I tend to expect the best from myself 24/7. I've learned (many times over!) that this is simply not going to happen. I mess up, a lot, and that's okay. What's important is that I learn from those mistakes rather than beating myself up over them.
-learn something new. I can feel it, 2016 is gonna be my year to master calligraphy. Or butcher it. But either way I'm gonna learn some things.
-grow this little blog. It's gonna take some dedication and all-nighters, but I love every minute of it and hope 2016 is as good to Hello Honey as 2015 was. Thanks to you!

I could list a few more like eat less Sour Patch Kids, stop driving like a grandma, remember to brush your hair etc etc...but let's get real. Some things never change.

I want to wish you and yours the happiest of New Years & many, many blessings in 2016! I just know it's going to be the best year yet!
xo, Britt

p.s. A big thank you to my sister-in-law, Scarlett, for this lovely dress and necklace. Aren't the scalloped sleeves to die? You'll definitely be seeing more of it!