easter family pictures

photos by In Bloom Photography  // my shirt: Old Navy jeans: GAP sandals:Marshall's tassel necklace/earrings: Logs 'n Lace // Bear's shirt/tie: Old Navy jeans: Baby Gap shoes: Polo Ralph Lauren

Zach's family has a huge get-together every Easter & we look forward to it so much. This year was especially special because Bear was able to really enjoy hunting eggs with the big kids; he had to open each and every one to examine the contents before putting it in his basket (and dumping the empty egg on the ground...who needs those?).

Karen with In Bloom Photography came out to capture some family moments & the big hunt. Bear only has boy first cousins...5 boys within 6 years of age. We're in for lots of fun! :)

Hope you're having a great holiday weekend! We're trying not to float away down here in Texas.
xo, Britt