nailed it.

Let me not waste any time in showing you the meaning behind the title of this post. Behold, the cookie casserole.

Done laughing? Or maybe you actually thought "hey, those look kinda good!". And guess what? You'd be right; they were delicious. I ate 3 or 4. With a spoon.

I was so excited to share a recipe on the blog today! I had been planning to make these Frosting Filled Chocolate Chip Cookies all week for my friend Aimey's birthday photoshoot this evening; wouldn't they make the perfect birthday cookie? Assuming, of course, they had cookie consistency. Anyway, as you can tell, it was a bit of a fail. I used my trusty chocolate chip cookie recipe and even froze the frosting for an hour; I'm not sure where I went wrong. If you've made these successfully before, care to share the secret?! I'd love to hear! You know, if I ever brave them again. In the meantime, I'll just be on my knees scraping the burnt frosting off the bottom of my oven.

xo, Britt

p.s. Check out some of my past successful cookie recipes here here & here! :)