a little secret

sweater | leggings | boots | watch | similar bag | hat

Do I have your attention? Are you dying to know what this little secret could be? I have a bad habit of building things up then totally letting people down with the dullness of what I end up revealing. Okay okay so my little secret I'm sharing today is...

I got my last three hair cuts at WalMart, for $14 a piece. Well actually that's not entirely true, my last one was at Super Cuts and I paid $18. But the three before that, all WalMart. It's not that I have anything against WalMart (except their mile long check-out lines), but I'm throwing in the towel when it comes to the Wally World salon.

A year and a half ago, I went in for a trim because I was maid of honor in two weddings that month and my mane was a mess. I told Zach and Bear to go grab groceries while I got the trim; twenty minutes later I called Zach crying and begging to leave that minute. So they abandoned a cart full of groceries and attempted to console my pathetic, sobbing self in the parking lot. I've never cried over a hair-cut, I'm very much aware of the cliché "it grows back". But this time, I asked for a trim and received a mullet. Zach could barely keep a straight face while telling me it wasn't "that bad", and luckily we can both laugh about it now.

I could ramble all day but let me quickly point out that my husband has never gotten a hair cut at WalMart; he spends $30 at Sports Clips. I only take Bear to Sports Clips, too. So why am I the only one getting cheapo cuts? Note: You do in fact get what you pay for.

Tomorrow I'm getting a trim while Bear's in MDO and I don't know who gets the honor taming this unruly hair but I can guarantee you won't see my car at WalMart. Wait should I have an appointment scheduled? I'll keep you posted. :)
Happy Hump Day!
xo, Britt

p.s. I'm headed to an event tonight to celebrate Heart Magazine, which is an incredible publication. Check it out if you have a minute!