a letter to bear

sweater | pants | sneakers | backpack

To my precious little Bear:

I look at you and cannot believe you're mine. Not just because you look just like your Daddy, but because you're the best little boy & I'm bursting with pride. Sure you may think potty training and naps are overrated, but I love you just the same. You prefer Cheetos to carrots and French fries over green beans, but we're working on it. Being your Mommy is my favorite job and I'm so thankful you're my little (big) Bear.

You can say & repeat anything, which means I'm constantly "shhhhh"'ing Daddy. Yesterday afternoon we were sitting on the bed playing and you said, "Mommy, are you happy or sad?"
I said, "Oh I'm very happy. Are you happy, Bear?"
You replied, "Yes I'm happy, too".
I thought my heart was going to explode into a million pieces in that moment; I could never be anything but happy when you're around. You're a sweetheart and say "I'm sorry" for things, even if you did nothing wrong. If someone tells you they're sorry, you say "it's okay" and give them a hug. You're very good at sharing for the most part, unless it's one of your Bad Piggies. Then I feel sorry for whoever tries to take it from you.

You love animals, your grandparents, Star Wars, and ketchup pretty much above all else. You say funny things and keep us laughing; we can't get enough of your sweet voice. The simplest acts make you happy, like riding in the golf cart with Papaw Steve & going on "coyote hunts" with Grammy. Peyton, Carson, Aria, and your "cuz-ins" are your best friends. You love Mother's Day Out and learning new things (I love it too).

You're three years old and growing every day; time refuses to slow down so we take lots of pictures to remember all the fun we're having. Also because you're dealing with crazy mamarazzi. Your "cheese" face, belly laugh, and chubby thighs make us happier than you'll ever know, and we can't get enough of your sugars. You often ask me, "Am I your doll baby, Mommy?". To that I say yes Bear, you are and always will be my doll baby. I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always. As long as I'm living, my baby you'll be.

xo, Mommy