think pink

shirt | jeans | heels | bag | watch

When I was in the fifth grade, my best friends and I sang the Barbie Think Pink song for our local talent show, Star Search. Oh if Zach could get his hands on that video, there'd be some serious blackmail for life. "It's your favorite color girl, it's the color of the world. OH YEAH"....was my favorite line. We were really cool.

Despite that awesome performance being ages ago, I haven't lost my love for all shades of pink. Right now I'm big into blush (or "rose quartz" as Pantone so eloquently named it), but I'll never lose my love for basic hot pink. It makes such a statement and can be worn year round; it's also fun to wear on Valentine's Day when everyone else is going with traditional red. Add a matching lipstick like this one (MAC candy yum yum) and you're a girly girl's dream.

I'm gonna go way off subject for a second and talk about ice cream. If you have a Freddy's restaurant near you, you have to go get a pumpkin pie concrete before February 1st. They take a big piece of pumpkin pie and blend it into vanilla custard, then top it with whipped cream and cinnamon. When I say I'm obsessed it's honestly an understatement; I've eaten at least two of those bad boys every week since September. I'm not sure what I'll do for the next six months without my fix; if my posts start to sound even crazier than usual no worries, I'm just having pumpkin pie concrete withdrawals. If you have an ice cream substitution to tie me over, I'd love any recommendations!

Oh and one more thing- matching shoes were "out" for awhile but they've made a comeback! I feel very in my eighties-baby element. Don't be afraid to get matchy matchy with the shoes; this just means you have an excuse to go shopping. I'm great at coming up with those.
xo, Britt