just be you

skirt | faux fur jacket | shoes | bag | necklace

Did I totally reel you in with that vague, cliché title? I apologize for the lack of creativity; my boys are in full force today and I feel like I lost my mind about three hours ago. Super Bowl food will make it all better! Also, how amazing was Lady Gaga's National Anthem? Girl can sing.

Okay, so, here's the thing. Growing up, I felt like everyone around me was being placed into categories and I wasn't sure in which one I really belonged. There were the tomboys, the girly-girls, the nerds, the wild ones, and of course the cool kids. I felt like a mix of all those things, well maybe all except the cool one. But nonetheless, I couldn't commit to just one label and I wanted to be more than that. Luckily I grew up in a small town where kids can participate in almost every extracurricular activity, but I'm finding that stereotypes seem to be stronger than ever the older I get. Even in the world of blogging, I'm constantly trying to figure out how to create a more uniform aesthetic for social media and my blog. It's exhausting.

Experts say that bloggers need a niche; we should stick with a theme to our fashion like minimalism or urban. I disagree. Some days I want to wear black from head to toe, layer on the dark eyeliner, and pretend like I know all the lyrics to Nirvana's Nevermind album. Other days I want to dress like Audrey Hepburn (sans perfect bun, cue messy top knot) and apply false lashes until my eyes droop. Style is about expressing yourself and the way you're feeling; we all experience different emotions on a daily basis, which means it's only natural for our clothing to be representative of that.

I get the question all the time, "Are you just a stay-at-home-mom, or do you work?" (if you want to make my blood boil, simply ask this). Yes, I am a SAHM, and I feel incredibly lucky to have that opportunity. But I also work, and I work really hard at everything I do. Somedays I want to throw my hair into a ponytail and go play a round of golf with my brothers. Other days I want to watch chick flicks in bed and eat Fruit Loops. My point is, I do not have to fit into one particular box. And neither do you. We are individuals, and life would be extremely boring if we were all predictable and limited in self-expression. Never let anyone tell you that you have to fit a certain stereotype, because that's nonsense. Do what makes you happy. Be the best you that you can be. Rock that Audrey top knot, while playing golf if you so choose. And smile all the while, knowing that no-one does you better than you.

I'm going to try and take my own advice, so if I post a really emo outfit tomorrow, you'll know I mean business. But tonight I'm in yoga pants, ready to do work on some chips & dip. Go Broncos!

xo, Britt