V-Day teacher gift

I know, I know. I posted a Valentine's teacher gift two days ago. But, in my defense, my son is in a three-year-old Mother's Day Out class with ten toddlers and two teachers. Word on the street is that these angel ladies only get paid $9 an hour (one is a certified teacher); you could babysit one child and make more than that. So every chance we get, we try to do a little something special for Bear's sweet, and extremely patient, teachers.

I found these fun Valentine Pasta bags at HomeGoods and the idea just ran from there. There are so many things you can throw in, and lots of it can be found at Dollar Tree. That's where I picked up these cute red colanders to place everything in. The tag printables are here. I love the wording on them, it's so true!

So easy and a nice change from the typical Valentine's sweets and candy. Not that I ever turn my nose up at sweets...just sayin'.

Yesterday Bear and I were playing in the upstairs playroom when he stopped and out of the blue said "Mommy, you da most boo-tiful girl in da hole world." My heart is still in a puddle up in the playroom. I texted Zach asking if he told Bear to say that, and his response was, "No, he just has a way with the ladies". And to think, I was flattered for a minute.

Thanks for reading!
xo, Britt