you get what you get

dress | similar shoes | bag | sunnies | similar earrings (these are identical in blue)

My son, like all kids, loves M&M's. Unfortunately his Momma does too, so we always have a big stash hidden away in the pantry. When Halloween candy went on sale at Target last week, I stocked up on bags of fall-colored Peanut Butter M&M's (when I say bagS I'm talking 15) and we've been munching on them here and there. For whatever reason, Bear decided he didn't like these orange and brown M&M's- "the rainbow ones taste better". I'm telling you guys- payin' for my raisin' with this one. 

Yesterday afternoon, Bear was watching cartoons and requested "rainbow M&M's". I brought him a handful of the fall ones, telling him that's all we have and that they're just as good as the rainbow ones. He looked a little downtrodden, and stared down hesitantly at the little pile of chocolate before popping one in his mouth and telling me, "You get what you get, so don't throw a fit". You can imagine my surprise at his impressive rhyme considering I've never heard that in my life, and immediately knew he must've learned the saying at school. I tried hard not to laugh and told him, "That's right, son. You get what you get, so don't throw a fit". He smiled and popped another three M&M's in his mouth.

On a defining day in our history as Americans, it's important to realize the simplicity yet crucial message of what my three year old son told me yesterday. I woke up to see hate all over my Facebook feed from Democrats and Republicans alike. Democrats expressing their fears, concerns, and obvious upset over the outcome of this election, not always in the most eloquent of ways. Republicans sharing their joy and excitement, all too often in a boastful and arrogant manner. As citizens of the greatest nation on the face of the Earth, we can do better. We can pray, be the change we wish to see, and keep the slander off of social media. For me, I'm hugging my sweet Bear today and hoping he grows up to be the kind of man who accepts wins and failures alike with grace and dignity. We voted, my fellow Americans, and we got what we got. 

Sending you all big virtual hugs today as we hop on a plane for Denver and cooler weather! Bear walked into Mother's Day Out yesterday and proudly told his teachers first thing, "I'm going to the mountains!". He may be just as excited as his Mommy and Daddy for some fresh air and a cozy cabin fireplace. 
Oh I almost forgot! If you have Instagram, check out the @charmingcharlie Instagram Stories this afternoon because I'll be taking it over at our local store! So excited to share my holiday picks; they have so much cute stuff right now!
xo, Britt