instagram round-up

Happy Fri-yay and Happy-almost-New Year!

I am WAY past overdue on this Instagram round-up so I apologize in advance for the amount of pictures in this post. I worked on and off all day today trying to link everything for those of you who don't have Instagram or No worries! I gotcha covered :). You may find that some things have sold out online since the original post but most of it is still available (and lots on sale)!

Baby Zollie's jammies | reindeer hat
Bear's jammies  (both boys' pajamas are actually hanna andersson but not available online)

similar sweater here and here | booties | leggings | blanket | beanie | faux fur rug

similar dress | pumps | bag 
(and yes, that's Tony & Maks from Dancing with the Stars! was so incredible getting to hang with them!)

my pajamas | slippers
Bear's pajamas

pajama top | bottoms | slippers

my vest | dress | booties
Bear's shirt | jeans | loafers

Whew! Told ya there would be picture overload. And I know...I have a thing for striped pajamas and graphic sweatshirts. I can't help it- the holidays make me want to lounge all day in comfy clothes! And drink all the coffee. And by holidays I don't just mean Christmas- Valentine's Day..4th of July..Columbus Day....who am I kidding. I lounge year round. 

Bear has been sick for the past week straight and it's killing this momma! He started throwing up last Thursday and hasn't eaten really anything since. The past few months it seems like it's been one bout of sickness after the next- the poor kid can't catch a break. Zach and I took him to the doctor yesterday found out he's had the flu and an ear infection, so our little Bear is now on antibiotics and seems a tiny bit better today. He's been such a trooper the whole time, never complaining and still being so sweet through it all. We only knew he had the stomach flu because of his temperature and constant vomiting, but we had no idea he had an ear infection on top of it all. Thank goodness he doesn't get dramatics from his momma (when I'm sick, people know about it). One of the hardest parts about being a parent is not being able to take the pain away from your child. If I could be sick instead of Bear, I would in a heartbeat. Sometimes I even wish I'd catch what he has, just so I wouldn't feel guilty being well and feeling good while he's suffering. Thankfully the doctor said Bear should be getting his energy and appetite back any day now- it's not like our little guy to not eat! That's when we know to worry.

If you stuck with this long-winded post, you are a trooper, too. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my rambles and for following along with Hello Honey. If I could give you a big hug, I so would! Consider this a virtual squeeze :). Wishing you the most special of New Year's! May 2017 be your best, prosperous, most magical year yet.
xo, Britt