10 reasons to love having a little boy

my cardigan | tee | pants | boots | similar crystal necklace | black choker 
Bear's jeans | cardigan | loafers

From the very first moment Zach and I announced we were having a boy, the comments came rolling in, such as "next time, you need a girl!" and "awww, it'd be so much more fun for you to shop for a daughter!". Seriously. Don't worry, I didn't let those remarks screw with my excitement- I was ecstatic to have a baby boy and the past four years have been even better than I could've ever imagined. Despite playing all kinds of sports most of my life and growing up with two brothers, I'm about as girly as it gets. And ya know what? I adore being a boy mama. Would I love having a little girl down the road? Of course. But if God blessed us with another boy someday, I'd be equally as thrilled. Give me all the dirt, stinky socks, and living room wrestling matches. Here are ten reasons why I love being Mommy to a little boy:

1. Clothes are simple. Sometimes I get Bear pretty decked out in bow ties and penny loafers, but it's still much more simple than tights and tutus and feathery hair bows. I don't have to do pigtails or attempt dutch braids (thank goodness because they would look less than stellar). Simpler outfits means we're out the door faster (even though we still manage to be late everywhere we go).
2. You become more well-rounded. Prior to having a son, I knew nothing about Star Wars. Or types of dinosaur bones. Or superheroes. Four years later and I could write a book on BB-8, paleontology, and Captain America. Having a little boy has opened my mind to new things that I otherwise never would have learned. 
3. There's never a dull moment. Little boys bring lots of excitement- just this past weekend our nephew fell into a cactus when we were back home visiting in West Texas. He was rushed inside, stripped down, and had to lay face down on the bed while his Mommy pulled each spine out one by one with tweezers. My point...boys are rambunctious and constantly seeking a thrill. Sometimes the outcome is good, other times not so much, but it's always an adventure!
4. Entertainment is easy. Boys love firetrucks, buses, police cars (any cars, really), planes, trains...all things that exist in everyday life. A trip to the fire station is one of Bear's favorite outings, which happens to be less than a mile from our house and FREE. Seen any princesses or unicorns lately? Me neither (unfortunately).
5. The drama is minimal. While the scraped knees and bruised elbows come rolling in, the drama is pretty non-existant. Boys get over things astonishingly quick and don't seem to hold grudges. Us Mommas could learn a lesson or two.
6. Public restrooms. Enough said.
7. Seeing your husband relive his childhood. This is one of my very favorite parts of having a little boy. If we didn't have a son, I'd probably never get to witness Zach throw a football, put together Star Wars Legos, or "hunt" for coyotes. These are all things Zach did growing up, and I love seeing the excitement and pure joy in his eyes when he gets to share those special moments with our son.
8. You stay in shape. Little boys are a work out! There's no need for gym-time when you play chase around the living room all day long. Don't get me wrong, I could definitely be in better shape if I put some actual effort into fitness. But I'd much rather spend my free time at the mall.
9. Your cooking improves. Boys eat a lot. Like, a whole lot. Mine is only four and he already goes through the groceries like nobody's business- I can't imagine what it will be like when he's a teenager. It's a constant challenge to try new recipes that he'll like and come up with healthy creations for our growing boy. I'm still no Rachel Ray, but I can whip up a mean grilled cheese.
10. Boys love their mama. I have seen this firsthand my entire life with my two brothers- they ADORE their "Momma". Even with Zach, no-one makes Peanut Butter Crunch Balls like his Mom. There's no denying the special bond that sons and mothers share, and this love lasts a lifetime.

The irony here is that the day Bear and I took these pictures, we were just finishing a lunch with twelve of my friends (all females) where Bear had had to sit still at a table for two and a half hours. My little man was a trooper and made me so proud- we didn't take an iPad or any toys and he still managed to make it through the afternoon without any embarrassing moments (other than saying very loudly when a random lady walked in the restaurant, "She gots a weird face").

Being a parent is the best job I've ever been given and I'm so thankful to have a sweet little boy who calls me Mommy. No matter how big the messes may be or dirty the clothes may get, I'll forever be proud to be a boy mama.
xo, Britt