spring break wish list

one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight

I enjoy winters in Houston, mostly because they're not much of a winter. I've lived here five years and have yet to see snow; Bear and I wore shorts today (in February). Despite our mild weather, I still look forward to spring and all the bright, cheery things it brings. I see a trip to the beach in our immediate future, hopefully with some (or all) of the items on this list!

A few days ago I teased that I have some exciting news involving a job; I guess it's time to spill. I'm still a bit in shock about it, but so happy to share that I've been hired as a professional stylist with Snap+Style. Snap+Style is an app where anyone can get help putting together an outfit from their own personal stylist; you can even chat with your stylist in realtime. Budget, items you already own, and your own personal style all factor into your outfits. It's an incredible concept and I am so excited to be part of the team! 

Hope you are having a great week! Sending big virtual hugs.
xo, Britt