spring in the city

photos by Diamond Oak Photography

similar romper | monogrammed bag | necklace | similar earrings | shoes

Happy March! I guess I got a little ahead of myself because according to google, the first official day of spring is March 20th. It's going to be in the 80's in Houston today, so it seems winter has come and gone. Truthfully, it never really came, which I'm not complaining about. This is my favorite time of year here climate-wise; the weather is perfect for romping around town. :)

Let's talk about this necklace for a second, because I'm slightly obsessed. It's the Petite Gold Druzy Slice Neckace from Dolce Ave with hand-stamped Z & B initial charms (for Zach & Bear). I wear it almost every day, and love having my boys close to my heart. Also, Kourtney Kardashian wears one; if that doesn't sell you, I don't know what will. No shame in my Kardashian game; I watched three episodes of KUWTK just last night. I know they're crazy...but aren't we all? Zach secretly likes the show too. Keep that on the DL, please.

I'm hosting my very first "blogger event" tonight and I'm so excited! I can't stop eating Sour Patch Kids in attempt to calm my nerves, though I'm pretty sure it's having the opposite effect. I'll be sure and take lots of pictures to post soon!

xo, Britt