trouble makers

my shirt | skirt | shoes | similar necklace | sunnies | clutch
Bear's shirt | pants | shoes

Now that Bear is getting close to 3 1/2, this t-shirt couldn't suit him any better. I didn't know that "threenager" was a real thing until recently, and now I'm officially a believer. One minute he's giving me kisses, the next minute he's peeing all over the living room rug. No matter how much of a rascal he can be, I wouldn't trade our sweet Bear for anything in the world. (remind me of this next time he pees on the rug)

The biggest trouble maker in our family, however, is the only one who doesn't own this shirt. Zach loves scaring people; it's his "thing". I'll be taking a candlelit bath late at night and suddenly this freaky mask pops up beside the tub and I start screaming bloody murder. Never, ever a dull moment. He also likes to leave fake cockroaches (my greatest fear in life) right beside my wedding ring some mornings. If you ever visit the Fullwood house, make sure you're not at risk for a heart attack.

All jokes and threenagers aside, I want to share a really important story with you guys. Last month, I collaborated with SAMIMAY and was very touched by their Capes that Care Campaign. The latest campaign was inspired by Abby and her son, Jack, who battle autism every day. Just reading Abby & Jacks' story opened my eyes so much to the reality and severity that is this often overlooked disease. Several of Bear's friends have already been diagnosed with autism, so this is a cause that's dear to our hearts. All during the month of April, SAMIMAY will donate 50% of all revenue to the Feingold Association as they provided life changing assistance to Jack and his family. I hope you'll take a minute to read their story and even if you don't buy a cape, please say a prayer for this sweet family.

We made it through Monday (almost); I think that calls for a Freddy's Coffee & Snickers Concrete tomorrow! Hope you enjoy a sweet treat, too!
xo, Britt