thrive tribe

I've always been a girl's girl and I've been lucky enough to be surrounded by some amazing ladies for as long as I can remember. Even in my childhood, I had the best of friends! Shout-out to all the Sweetwater American Girl's Club :). There's just something about friendships between females that is empowering & truly special, and I'm so excited to introduce you to this group of friends also known as our "Thrive Tribe" from the blog conference last weekend. Some I consider very close friends, and others I literally met right before this photoshoot. It's safe to say they are all beautiful, inside and out!

(are we intimidating in that last pic or what? it was our "bridesmaids" look)
photography by Diamond Oak Photography
my skirt | shirt | necklace | sunnies | heels | clutch | watch
from left to right: the style_lynn kind, Hello Honey, Tassels and Tabbies, Style Spies, Style the Girl, Haute and Humid, Dress Up Buttercup, It's All Chic To Me, Dawn P. Darnell

In the world of blogging, there's a lot of talk about "community over competition" and I love this mantra. It's so easy to get caught up in trying to reach the top, that you can easily lose sight of what's so amazing about the climb. And for me, that amazingness has been all the incredible people I've met along the way. And I'm very low on the mountain, like just starting up the foothills, so I can only imagine how much better it gets from here. I've been amazed at how helpful and selfless these women are; each one pictured above (and all the rest I know!) would drop whatever they're doing to help someone else. Every time. They would just happen to look very fashionable while doing it.

I don't believe in having one closed-off clique because someone always gets left out that way. I love when someone reaches out to me via email or social media asking to meet up for coffee or ride to an event together. I'm yet to say no; meeting new people is so much fun and really drives self-growth and fulfillment. Every once in a while you meet someone that instantly feels like your BFF, and it totally catches you off guard but it's the best thing ever. That happened to me at Thrive with several of these girls! Nothing like bonding over selfies and free egg rolls at the hotel happy hour to really start a friendship off right.

I would say I'm an outgoing person for the most part, but I can definitely be reserved in a situation in which I don't feel comfortable. That's why it's important to surround yourself with people that share common interests and hobbies, so those awkward moments will be few and far between. Find your tribe, and love them hard. Don't be afraid to let new people in; growth is never a bad thing in any sense. Support one another and always be a good listener. And know that God has put these people in your life for a reason; enjoy each and every minute with them.

Speaking of support, two of my gal pals pictured above (Shelbi & Dede) are celebrating an Instagram milestone with me this afternoon; I miraculously reached 10k followers (it's 11.1k now but who's counting...always late to the party). I'm so thankful for the support of sweet friends and all of you that read this little blog. I can't begin to tell you how much it means to me, and I truly consider each and every one of you part of my "tribe". Love you all!

xo, Britt