save vs. splurge

Those who know me well know that I am a bargain shopper. It is a very rare occurrence that I pay full price for something, and I typically head straight to the clearance racks when I walk into a store. I do occasionally splurge on an item, but the pictures above are proof that you can save money and still have nice things. In my opinion, almost all heels over three inches are uncomfortable, so why pay 1k+ for something you're gonna rip off the first chance you get? Not saying that Louboutins are not fabulous because they totally are. Worth the money? Debatable. Fabulous? Definitely.

I'm so excited for this weekend; we have lots of fun things planned! Bear has his first of many Easter egg hunts, and I'm going to an event to see (and hopefully meet!) Emily Ann Gemma. Oh and Zach has a poker tournament. Fun times should be had by all.

TGIF! Enjoy your weekend!
xo, Britt