you red my mind

shirt | jeans | bag | shoes | bracelet | earrings | sunnies  

Hi friends! Is anyone else struggling with this time change? I've been like a zombie all day and I'm all kinds of thrown off with our daily schedule. Also I realize that the title of this post makes absolutely no sense, so I'll blame that on the time change as well.

I can't think of anything interesting to talk about so I'll tell y'all a story (since that's super entertaining and all). Right around the time Bear turned two, he wasn't saying very many words. At least not as many as I, the crazy googling helicopter Mom, thought he should be. Friends reassured me that one day it would just click and he'd start talking ninety to nothing, and sure enough, that day came. And soon after that day I learned that toddlers have no filter. If the opportunity presents itself for them to embarrass or throw their parents under the bus, they will do so in a heartbeat. Not intentionally, but because they call it like they see it.

We've had several episodes of such embarrassment, some worse than others. One day last summer, Bear and I were perusing through Target when we stopped for some toothpaste. The aisle was vacant on that lovely Tuesday morning except for a man, probably in his mid-thirties, who was also contemplating the ramifications of Crest vs. Colgate. Bear of course notices this man, and precedes to say, "Mommy, he don't have no hair". I look up, making eye-contact with the hairless man, who I realize is almost entirely bald. And it doesn't appear to be by choice. He doesn't smile, or act amused, or say something witty to smooth over the awkward situation; he just glares at me as if to say "Shut your kid up, lady". 

So I do what any first-time mother does in my situation; I hurry and grab a box of toothpaste and make a beeline for the main aisle. But Bear isn't done observing this interesting almost-hairless species. "Mommy, where'd his hair go?"
Oh man. The guy definitely heard that.
So again, I did the smoothest move possible and pretended not to hear my very loud two-year old who is now repeating the question thirteen times in a row. I have never moved so quickly through a Target in my life; I couldn't bear to come face to face with Mr. Clean again. Thankfully we made it home in one piece, but not without Bear telling the check-out lady "I'm gonna eat french fries and ketchup for lunch". I'm looking forward to accepting my Mom of the Year Award any day now. 

Have you had something like this happen? I would LOVE to hear. I can't tell you how much toddler-talk amuses me; they are such little sponges and say the funniest things.
Hope you've had a great weekend!
xo, Britt