your questions, answered

similar dress | shoes | clutch | earrings | watch


Cheers to the weekend, y'all! We have had a busy but fun week, and the craziness will ensue through the weekend. It seems to be the season of baby showers, wedding showers, birthday parties, graduation parties, Mother's Day.....which is interesting considering we're in the midst of potty training (still). Thank goodness for pull-ups and Facebook event reminders or we'd be up a serious creek.

I've been getting lots of emails with questions, which I love; hearing from you means so much to me. I try to answer each and every email, but some inquiries are more popular than others. Just in case there are some of you that haven't emailed wondering the same things, I'm answering the most asked questions below! 

1. What is your hair care routine? I have super thick hair and I've never colored it. Honestly I don't do much with my hair though I probably should. I wash it every other day, before bed, and let it air dry over night. I'll curl it with my Savvy Curls Band or a one inch curling iron, and it holds for two days. I switch shampoo/conditioner regularly and rarely ever blow dry (like, maybe twice a year!). I don't use hairspray unless I'm staying at my parents' house; my Mom always has it sitting out on the bathroom counter and I turn into a three year old that can't help herself. I go wild with the stuff. OH and on the days I don't wash, I swear by this Biosilk dry shampoo. I've tried at least ten different dry shampoos and this one is by far my favorite. It works wonders and smells like a salon. Not like Super Cuts, more like Aveda.

2. What are your beauty must-haves? The Biosilk dry shampoo definitely makes the list, along with this Laura Mercier foundation. Back to my much as I love and adore this woman, she falsely told me for years that I didn't need any make-up for my face. Now that I see how expensive foundation is I will probably tell my daughter the same thing some day. The truth is, I definitely need foundation. I don't have bad complexion but I've spent years in the sun and it's taken it's toll on my skin. The Laura Mercier foundation is "photo finish" and it really does have an air-brushed effect; it's lightweight but still covers flaws really, really well. I also have these e.l.f. nail polish remover pads in my purse always; you never know when a bad chip will occur. One last mention, this Hempz Touch of Summer Daily Moisturizer is a game-changer. I started using it a few months ago and have become obsessed; I love how good it makes my skin feel while giving me a natural glow. 
Okay, I could add about 49 more things to this list but I gotta move on. I'll do a full blog post on this topic soon!

3. What is your work-out routine? I know this answer will get eye rolls by some and high fives from others, but I don't work out. At all. I do chase my three year old son around constantly so that counts for something, right? Before I had Bear, and even all through pregnancy, I walked 3-4 miles a day. I only get out for walks about one evening a week anymore and it's usually only for about 20 minutes (while I talk to my grandma on the phone). I haven't owned tennis shoes in several years, besides Converse that are not made for working out, so that's my excuse. I worked out all through school and college so I feel a bit burned out of the whole sweating drill. Call me lazy, but I'd rather be doing anything else. 

4. How do you grow your Instagram? This is a question I get a lot from other bloggers mostly, and it's something that I wish I could answer well. I still have a ton of growing to do myself, and I wish I had more time to commit to it. I have friends that are growing their accounts rapidly by spending 2-3 hours a day liking/commenting on other peoples' photos. The more you put yourself out there, the more followers and likes you'll get in return. There are also giveaways, but be selective in which ones you take part in. If you start to post a giveaway once a week, chances are your followers will start to get tired of it and your account won't feel genuine. Another great way to grow your following is by tagging shops in the pictures you post, whether it's clothing, home decor, jewelry, etc. The shop will in turn see your photo and if they like it, they might even repost. This drives a ton of traffic to your account. But yeah, certainly no expert over here. So I'll take tips if you have them, too. :)

5. Where are Zach and Bear in most of your pictures? I haven't gotten this question much via email but our friends and even family ask it quite a bit. There are many reasons why they're not on the blog consistently, but I'll highlight the main ones. The biggest thing is that Hello Honey is a business. My business, not something they would ever choose to pursue. What started as a hobby has now become a livelihood, and because of that I have partnerships with particular brands. These brands request certain photos, and the majority of them don't carry men's clothing. Even if they did, I assure you that Zach Fullwood would not want to model it. Not that he wouldn't look like a major stud, because he totally would, it's just not his thing. I used to include Bear in about every other outfit post, but this number has dwindled as he gets older. If it were up to me, he'd be in every single picture. Unfortunately, he has his Daddy's outlook on picture-taking and most days, he just isn't feeling it. He'd rather play and get dirt all over his clothes than have to model them. Because this is my venture and not his (or Zach's), I'm never going to make them do something they don't want to do. If Bear would rather not be posing for photographs constantly, I'm not going to make him (as much as I may want to). Zach also doesn't like taking the pictures, as I can be a bit bossy (gasp). Because of this, he doesn't take any pictures for the blog anymore; I do most of them while Bear's in MDO Tuesday and Thursday. Even though Zach isn't an active participant on this blog, he supports it 100% and is an incredible source of guidance and love behind the scenes. There's no doubt that I couldn't do this (or much of anything) without him.

This got long-winded in a hurry! I'm sorry for my rambling. I hope this answered some questions that any of you might have and if I left anything out, feel free to email me at and I will happily respond. 
Hope you have an awesome weekend!
xo, Britt