tuesdays together

photography by Smith House Photo

A couple weeks ago, my friend Dede and I ventured into Houston from the burbs for the loveliest picnic with some inspiring ladies. Tuesdays Together has been such a blessing and the friendships I've made have not only benefited this blog, but also enriched my personal life. I wrote about last month's meeting and explained a little more about the concept of TT here.

We were encouraged to each bring something to add to the picnic; I was lazy and picked up cuties (those little cute oranges). I was embarrassingly shown up by the women that made homemade fortune cookies and cheese plates that rival Martha Stewart, but luckily they still shared. Next time I'll at least buy a pie and pretend I made it.

The topic of this month's meeting was collaboration, which is something all small businesses take part in at one point or another. Our faithful leaders Meredith and Jessica shared insight as to how collaborating can be a really special thing. Bloggers collaborate with businesses all the time, so Dede and I learned a great deal from this month's meeting. Plus those fortune cookies were amazing.

Bear and I are headed to a birthday party this morning so I'm keeping this post short and sweet; cupcakes are calling. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
xo, Britt