easy churro bites

Is it even necessary for me to put the word "easy" in my recipe titles anymore? I'm pretty sure you all know by now that if I'm making it, it isn't difficult. But I can promise that it's delicious, especially in the case of these warm, cinnamon sugary churro bites. Cinco de Mayo is just days away and if you're looking for a festive treat to whip up, this one is a winner.

Number of ingredients? Five. Six if you count vegetable oil but everyone has that on hand, right?

Bear ate these bad boys up. This made my momma heart happy as I recall my first churro experience when I was around his age at the San Diego Zoo. Oh man, I'll never forget that blessed moment. I like to think Bear too will look back fondly on his first churro moment, and hopefully not have as many cavities as I've had. But hey, who's counting.

We went heavy on the cinnamon and sugar for this recipe, which is a little more messy but totally worth it. The best way to eat these warm sugary bites is over ice cream; it might be my favorite dessert ever.

You'll need:
1 angel food cake (I bought mine already made at Target)
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup cinnamon
1 tablespoon milk
1 cup powdered sugar

1. Cut the cake into 2" cubes (I only used half the cake and it was plenty).
2. Heat vegetable oil on low heat. Fry cubes until golden brown.
3. Once brown, place cubes into bowl with cinnamon and sugar and toss until coated.
4. Mix 1 cup powdered sugar with a tablespoon of milk and drizzle over churros. 

Bear and I are crafting it up today in preparation for a flamingo party we're hosting next week. And by crafting I mean getting very little done and making a huge mess on the kitchen table (and floor). Reminding myself that making messes means making memories, or just making Mommy crazy. Either way, Bear's loving it. 
xo, Britt