beach day

photos by Diamond Oak Photography  

similar pineapple tote | similar swimsuit | kimono | hat | sunnies | earrings

on Bear: swimsuit, Dillard's last season- similar here | swimshirt


Houston often gets a bad rap, but we seriously love living here. Sure, we're a 7+ hour drive from our families back home, and that's the biggest downside. But as far as places to go and things to do, the options are limitless. Bear has always been a little beach bum; we took him to Hawaii when he was 15 months old and he spent hours playing in the sand (also eating it). Now that Bear's 3, he's the perfect age for day trips down to Galveston with friends for some fun in the sun.

It takes us a little over an hour to get to Stewart Beach, and we stay as long as we're able. By the end of the outing, we're always exhausted but fulfilled. Something about the sounds and smell of the ocean is really soothing to me; it's such a therapeutic setting. Throw a few toddlers in the mix and all that goes out the window, but hey it's still a great time. 

This pineapple tote from francesca's is my favorite beach bag ever; it's so roomy and holds a ton. The tote is sold out but this one is very similar and just as cute. I'm partial to francesca's since I've had the opportunity to become friends with/work with some of their amazing staff. But the truth is I loved francesca's long before I blogged, and I still remember my awe and excitement when I shopped there for the first time. That reminds me, I need to pop in our local store tomorrow to grab these for our flamingo party next week!

I've rambled through this post and I'm sorry for my lack of decent writing; the truth is that I'm fairly sure I'm on my deathbed. Okay it isn't that serious and I'm over-exaggerating but I do have the most painful sinus headache/infection I've ever had. Luckily Zach and Bear are well, and I'm praying they don't get any of this. I'm heading to the doctor in an hour but if you have any home remedies, I'd be so grateful if you shared!
Happy Hump Day!
xo, Britt