spring wish list

one | two (on sale for $11!) | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten

When I was playing golf in college, every spring we had a tournament at Rose Creek Golf Club in Edmond, Oklahoma. When you think of spring golf, you probably think beautiful sunny days, green fairways, and khaki shorts. You know, the Masters. Sometimes, later in the spring, this is the case. But those early March/April tournaments can be absolutely brutal. My sophomore year, we had a tournament at Rose Creek in April and the weather was predicted to be sunny and fairly warm. When we woke up the morning of the first day, however, temperatures were right around freezing and the wind was blowing 40+ mph. You guys, I'm a fair weather golfer. I will play in ridiculous conditions if I must (and on scholarship, you must), but I gotta have layers. We're talking Michelin Man layers.

Not one of us thought to bring anything more than a jacket and pants, and we needed much more than that to survive 8+ hours on the course. So our trusty assistant coach made a Walmart run at 6am to grab anything and everything warm they had. Apparently Walmart employees didn't see the cold front coming either because they had already put gloves/scarves/hats away in the back of the store. Luckily they were persuaded enough to give what they had to our coach, and we survived the tournament. The cold didn't turn out to be the issue though, embarrassment did.

Our glove sets were from the little girl's section and had pink cats holding umbrellas embroidered on them. Our scarves and beanies matched. All of the other teams had on their sharp black Titleist cold weather gear, and we were walking around with pink cats on our heads. And to make it worse, it's not as if we got to stick together as a team (of misfits). We were sent out alone with three girls from other schools who all looked at us like we were hicks from the sticks. I wish I could say we won the tournament and showed them all up, but we stunk it up and didn't even place. We did get some hilarious pictures, though. Silver lining.  

All that to say....spring accessories are my very favorite; the pretty pastels and hints that summer's on its way make me really happy. Pink cats with umbrellas do not. Actually they do, just not when embroidered onto my clothes. 

xo, Britt