making memories

similar dress | sandals | hat | earrings | necklace | bag
Bear's shorts | shirt | bow tie | shoes

Some days, I feel like I've really got it all together. We make it places on time-ish, get all our errands done, the house doesn't look like a bomb went off, we eat at home rather than McDonald's, and the inside of my purse is somewhat organized (meaning there are no crusty Goldfish and used wipees floating around). These days are few and far between, but we embrace them with open arms when they happen to occur.

Other days, it's a total sh*t show. We make it to the party forty-five minutes late and left the gift sitting on the kitchen table, Bear pulls down his pants and pees on the turf at TopGolf, I forget to send our nephew's birthday card for the third day in a row, my phone dies right when my boss calls, and we eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch for supper at 10pm. These days happen more than I'd like to admit, and I used to beat myself up about it. Over time, I've come to realize that these crazy days are usually the best of all. We're making memories and while it's not always pretty, the mishaps and mistakes only make for a better, and more special, story.

There's really not a point to this post except that whether you're a mom, sister, aunt, friend, daughter, or whatever your role may be, there's no right way to play that role. As long as you're trying and pushing forward, you're doing an amazing job. The memories you're making along the way are what's important, as everything else will be forgotten. I'm far from supermom (or superwife for that matter), but I love my boys with everything I have and at the end of the day, they know that. And I sleep well at night knowing that no matter how many mess-ups I have in a day, they love me, too. Even if the waiter at Top Golf hates me (and my pee-on-grass-happy son).

xo, Britt