working vs. stay at home moms

romper | sandals | similar earrings | similar clutch
Bear's sandals | similar shorts | shirt | bow tie

I'm a stay-at-home Mom. I do work from home, part time, but that didn't start until Bear was two and a half. For those first two years, I heard plenty of "So what do you do all day?" and "Life is so much easier on a dual income" and "When are you gonna go back to work?" 
When that last question occurred, it took great inner strength not to unleash the fury and say "I am working. 24/7, actually. It's called being a parent." Whether a parent is on paid salary with benefits or not, taking care of a child is a full time job in itself. And it ain't easy work.

To those of you who do both- take care of your babies and work forty plus hour weeks- I salute you. You are some serious rockstars that deserve every ounce of praise you ever receive. The sad part is, you probably hear things like "Oh, don't you wish you could stay home with your baby?" and "It's unfortunate your daughter's growing up in day care". Those people were either never parents themselves or have lost their mind and all social skills. The simple fact is, every family is different. Every individual is different. I have friends that are amazing mothers; they spend hours every evening reading and playing with their children. During the day, they work full time jobs. These women don't have to work, they choose to do so because they're planning ahead for their childrens' future. They know that if they save now, they can do more for their kids in the long run. This doesn't make them selfish; quite the opposite, really. 

I also have friends who work because it keeps them sane. This does not make them selfish, either. Not everyone loves talking in baby talk all day long and showering every sixth day. Some women, and men, need adult interaction on a daily basis. This makes them a better parent; they come home refreshed and ready to deal with whatever their kid throws at them. Literally.

Of course, some moms work because it's a necessary means. My Mom did; she went back to work after six weeks with all three of her children. We turned out okay (debatable, some would say). These moms may cry leaving their baby at the sitter every morning, and pray to win the Powerball so they can stay home full-time. I have a big place in my heart for these mommas, and I hope they all know what an amazing job they're doing.

So, it's time for the million dollar question and what you've all been waiting for. Who has the tougher job, stay-at-home moms or working moms? The answer: Nobody knows, and nobody should care. I was busy around the clock before I started working a "real" job from home. I'm busy around the clock now. Bear was my wake-up call then, and he's my wake-up call now. I've seen both sides with my own Mom and now myself, and I admire mothers across the board. It takes dedication and strength to work a full-time job on top of being a mother. It takes patience and lots of prescription drugs to stay at home with your kids. Just kidding about the drugs, sort of. I can assure you that working moms and stay at home moms can all agree on one thing: being a mother is the best, and most important, job of all.

To all of you mommas out there tonight, give yourself a pat on the back. Throw back a glass (or bottle) of wine. Watch some Real Housewives of anywhere but Dallas. Get crazy and go pee by yourself. You've earned it, regardless of what your job title happens to be. Your child loves you unconditionally no matter, and that makes it all worthwhile.

xo, Britt