Helicopter Mom

skirt | top | shoes | similar earrings | bag
on Bear: similar shirt | similar shorts | sandals 

I've been known to hover over my child to the point of getting funny looks on the park playground and being referred to as "one of those moms". I'm not above climbing up the Chick Fil A play area slide if my son so much as calls my name. When he was just shy of three, some older kids in the CFA play area were calling him names and teasing him for still wearing diapers. Thankfully Bear didn't realize they were making fun of him, which was both heartbreaking and relieving, but those kids are lucky this momma didn't take them out. Really lucky.

I like to think I've gotten better about giving Bear some space and not being such a worry wart, but chances are I'll be the mom who chaperons his high school dance and does his laundry until he's 38. Actually scratch the laundry part; he's learning how to do that ASAP. But if he wanted to star in his own personal Failure to Launch style life I would not argue. I love being his Mommy and I love having him close to me always.

To clue you in even further on how big of helicopter parents we are (yes Zach, I'm looping you into this), Bear has never been babysat by anyone outside of the family. He's stayed at friends houses to play for a few hours three times that I can think of, but he's never had a babysitter come to our house to keep him. Blame it on my trust issues or lack of cool, hip teenage resources, but I don't think that will change anytime soon. When Zach and I do go on dates, we thoroughly enjoy ourselves but talk about Bear the entire time and can't wait to get back to him. #parentproblems

Anyone else out there struggle with this? Part of me knows it's not a bad thing, and that I'll loosen up (by force of nature) when child #2 comes along eventually. Until then, if you need me I'll be the mom who's climbing through the tunnels at Chick Fil A, putting bullies in their place while simultaneously drinking Diet Lemonade.

xo, Britt