similar romper | similar sandals | earrings | sunnies | watch

The last time I answered some of your most frequently asked questions, the post had a great response rate. So here we go again! I'm answering some of the questions I get often via email/Instagram/Facebook. Feel free to ask any that I leave out in the comments below!

1. Why do you link "similar" items sometimes instead of the actual item? Sometimes, as was the case with the romper in this post, an item I wear is unavailable online (either sold out or last season). I still want to give my readers an option to purchase if they love the product, so I do my best to find something similar they can order.
2. Is Bear your son's real name? If so, how did you come up with it? Bear is, in fact, our son's real name. Zach came up with it and I loved it, too; we knew we wanted to call him Bear so we thought why not cut to the chase. People often ask if he's named after Bear Bryant, and in a way, he is. My husband is a big fan of Mr. Bryant. I'm a big fan of his fedoras.
3. How did you join a playgroup and would you recommend it for new moms? When Bear was three months old, I decided we needed some friends and googled local playgroups in our area. I was directed to the "Meet-Up" app, where I found a group of moms with children around the same age. We met at a park the next afternoon, and we've been in the playgroup ever since. I definitely recommend downloading the Meet-Up app and getting involved in a playgroup; it's been such a blessing for us. Bear has loved making friends and I enjoy keeping my sanity over adult conversation. We usually attend two playdates a week, some held in friends' homes and others at public places like museums and trampoline parks.
4. Do you cook often? What are some of your favorite recipes? I'm trying to keep a straight face as I type "not really", but the truth is a flat out no. I don't cook very often. I want so badly to be all domestic and embrace my inner June Cleaver but unfortunately, I'm not sure she's really in there. Zach and I are both creative types, meaning I like to make a big mess and don't do well with precision. I do realize that cooking and creativity go hand in hand, which could be why Zach is a good cook (not sure what my excuse is). We do eat at home almost every evening but it's usually something simple like sandwiches or spaghetti. Oddly, I love to bake! Some of our favorite family desserts can be found here
5. What did you do before you had Bear? I slept and read books and traveled. Just kidding. I didn't do those things nearly enough while I could! I worked for the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah after college before moving to Houston to be with Zach. I obtained my teaching certification for early childhood-sixth grade, and started pursuing jobs around the time we found out we were expecting. I was very sick the first five months, and was lucky enough to be able to stay home during that time. The teaching never happened, but it might come in handy someday!

I'm sitting on the floor typing this while Zach and Bear are snoring loudly in the bed above me. They are two peas in a pod and I love it so much (minus the snoring). Hope you are having a great week!
xo, Britt