
The past year has been an amazing ride, full of ups and downs but thankfully, mostly ups. Not only were those months good to our family, but also to Hello Honey. This little blog has experienced such growth, beyond what I ever could have imagined, and it's all thanks to you! Those of you who read and comment and share and actually want to come back (which still blows my mind), you are the reason I get to do this. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Of course no birthday/anniversary/blogiversary is complete without a celebration, so fifteen of my adorable blogger friends met at Anthropologie in The Woodlands for a little party! The majority of what you'll see below was done by the amazing in store stylist, Teresa, and the store manager. They did a beautiful job and I am so grateful for all of their hard work. Take a look and you'll see what I mean!

photography by Diamond Oak Photography
emoji balloons: Just Simply L
emoji cups: The Papered Parlor
personalized emoji favor bags: SALTED Design Studio
macarons: Macaron by Patisse
emoji photo props: BESITOS xoxo
everything else from Anthropolgie

There's no way I could throw a party for a bunch of bloggers without emojis galore, so I teamed up with the shops listed above for the cutest decor and paper goods. Just Simply L is your one stop shop for the cutest balloons you ever did see (especially the cactus and ice cream cone). The Papered Parlor has these lamb cups that I'm dying to order for an upcoming baby shower. I'm obsessed with the simplicity and design of these wedding favor bags from SALTED Design Studio, and I need this paper cake banner from BESITOSxoxo for our next fiesta. A huge thank you to all of these amazing shops that made our blogiversary so special!

I'm especially grateful for the girls pictured who came out to show their support (and many not pictured as well!). This community of creatives is such a breath of fresh air and I have to pinch myself that these blogging babes are my friends in real life. I'll see their faces floating around on Pinterest and I feel like I know famous people :). And their personalities are just as much fun as their outfits.

It refuses to stop raining in Houston and I'm not gonna lie, it's getting preeeeeetty old. Last night, I went to an event in River Oaks (30 minutes south) and it took me over three hours to get home do to all the flooding. At one point I was sitting in my car on a road near Old Town Spring just crying, praying for God to get me safely home. I was faced with a turn around, don't drown moment and thankfully I chose to turn around and attempt a different route. The car behind me didn't get so lucky (they were okay but ended up washing about a hundred yards down the road into a ditch). Please say a prayer that this flooding comes to an end, otherwise Zach is going to be building us an ark. Hopefully it has wifi so I can keep blogging.

Sending big virtual hugs to you all!
xo, Britt