the perfect swimsuit

our swimwear | pineapple cups | pineapple float | my hat | my sunnies | Dede's sunnies | koozie

When I first became a mom, I wasn't sure how to shop for a swimsuit or what was considered appropriate for a twenty-five year old mother. On one end all my single friends were rocking itty bitty designer bikinis, but my new playgroup friends were talking about the one pieces in the clearance section at Target. I felt like I belonged somewhere in the middle of the two, but couldn't really find anything like that out there. So the first couple summers I rocked one pieces and while they were comfortable, they were nothing compared to Kortni Jeane suits on the cuteness scale. When my friend Dede suggested doing this shoot and introduced me to Kortni Jeane swimwear, it was like all my semi-modest dreams had come true. Part of me still longs to be back in a bikini, but the intelligent (indulgent) side prefers being able to eat and drink whatever I want in the comfort of a peplum swim top.

I don't think that as mothers, we should be restricted to a certain form or style of clothing. Style is self-expressive and that's the beauty of it. Whatever you feel confident and most like yourself in is what you should wear. As long as it's not going to get you arrested for public indecency, of course. I've found my perfect suit in the bold colors and prints of Kortni Jeane and can't wait to own many, many more pieces of their gorgeous swimwear (hello cutest one-piece in the world, I'm looking at you). The quality is by far the best of any swimsuit I've owned and I'm pleasantly surprised at how well it's held up. I've already worn this suit four times to the pool with Bear over the last several weeks and it still looks brand new. Usually my rear-end starts looking like shag carpet after a couple sits in the kiddie pool. Thankfully these bright pink bottoms are in it to win it.

After sharing 739 pictures I'll try to quit rambling; you're seriously patient if you've made it this far in the post! I want to thank On Point Custom Homes for letting us use this gorgeous home for our shoot. Maybe if we do a few more post shout-outs we can just move in? Kidding (kinda). The inside of the house is just as beautiful as the backyard! 

I also want to say a huge thank you to my precious friend Dede who organized this whole thing, got her sister and friend to take the pictures, spent hours editing the pictures, and let me tag along for the ride. Did I mention I was late to the shoot and caused Dede and her sister to miss their flight to Paris? Yes, as in Paris, France. I'll save that story for another day. I love you, Dede!

xo, Britt