treat yo self

photos by Elisheva Golani Photography
makeup by Rivki Makeup Artistry
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It's no secret that I've always had a huge sweet tooth. I had my first root canal when I was just a freshman in high school, and there have been countless filling since. The dentist I went to for many years back home built a big beautiful house several years ago and I'm certain that I (my parents, rather) funded a good chunk of it. My addiction to candy can be a bit of a problem, as I go through a 2 lb. bag of Sour Patch Kids every 3-4 days and the same with Peanut Butter M&M's. Oh and I can't forget Twizzlers! I buy the big family bags and go through those about as quickly. Honorable mention goes to Trolli Brite Crawlers and Sour Punch Straws as I always have these on hand in the pantry but don't eat them quite as much.

People sometimes ask how I stay thin eating all this junk, which is funny because I'm in terrible shape. Skinny does not mean physically fit by any stretch. If someone asked me to go run a mile right now I honestly would laugh. Then I'd try and come up with a weak excuse why I shouldn't like my knee hurts or I just drank four gallons of water. I would eventually give in and walk the majority of it. I eat sweets every day because I love them and because if I didn't, I'd have a wild bingefest involving all the candy and the Bachelorette every Monday night. This would result in a miserable Tuesday and lots of regrets, so I'd rather just space my sugar out over the course of a week.

Sprinkles ice cream is out of this world good; Bear and I eat it every chance we get. My go-to order is 1 scoop Coffee Almond Fudge, 1 scoop Cap'n Crunch. Bear is crazy so he prefers plain ol' vanilla. They also have this cupcake sundae concoction where they take a cupcake, cut it in half, and fill the inside with your ice cream of choice. They serve it in a giant cup and it looks like heaven. I'll try one next time and let you know how yummy it is!

We had a busy weekend and are looking forward to a laid-back, relaxing week. Hope your Monday is off to a good start! Eat some processed sugar and it'll be even better!
xo, Britt